Quick Update

It’s been entirely way to long since I added to this blog.  So often isn’t that how it goes, start off strong and then start to trail off.  Next thing you know you try to log in to your own blog and find not only has the password disappeared from memory but so to has the very web address!!  Luckily my most wonderful wife was able to locate a piece of paper with the very important yet apparently easily forgotten account information.  She always knows where things are!  Is that a woman thing, a wife thing?  Maybe it’s just not a Jon (me) thing!  Either way, thank you Sweet Girl.


With that, I’m turning a new leaf!  I’m back, as if never gone!!  To the reader, I really appreciate every comment I get.  When writing, the questions posed inspire more writing.  Please keep reading and more importantly ask me some questions!  Your questions prompted me to do research and think about the subject.  They help me learn and grow!!  What is on your mind when reading what I have written?  I would love to know!


I would like to write a little about what is happening in my life.  I’m happy to say that my wife and I have been blessed these last few months.  Most of all Rhea has switched careers.  For those who don’t know, she worked in the corporate/legal world as a litigation consultant.  To this day I have difficulty expressing what it is that she did on a day to day basis.  I can tell you it involved numbers, programming, long hours and had something to do with expert witnesses in huge financial lawsuits.  I also know that she was unfulfilled and frustrated for more than a year. 


So, Rhea wanted a change and after praying about it and talking to each other and our families I am happy to say that my beautiful wife heard a calling to pursue a career in teaching.  Further, I am so very proud to write that starting in August she will be teaching high school math for the city of Los Angeles!!


I am so proud to be Rheanna’s husband.  I just want to say that!!  I can’t even begin to express how she makes me feel, words will not do!!  She is by far the most amazing women I’ve ever met.  I thank the Lord day and night for her.  It’s amazing how God works in our lives, He knows exactly what we need and when we need it.  Most of all, he delivers faithfully and justly with love.  Without Rhea I wouldn’t be half the man I am today.  Thank you Boo, I love you and congratulations.


Lord God, thank you for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you for your faithful and steadfast guidance and love.  Thank you for my wife and our relationship.  Thank you for drawing us closer to each other and nearer you.  Thank you for providing for us. Thank you for moving in our lives continually and opening the doors for Rheanna and standing by her.  Thank you for our church and the members who support it.  Thank you for our pastors and friends.  I ask tht you rain your grace upon their shoulders as you have mine and Rheanna’s.  Continually guide us so You can be proud of all we do here on Earth until we are with you in eternity.


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2 responses to “Quick Update

  1. nanis

    How lucky you are! Your joy and happiness are infectious, and I’m cheered up just reading this. It’s great that Rheanna was able to explore another path, and there is no doubt in my mind that she will be a terrific teacher.

    My suggestion for you would be that you write about how you came to where you are today in regard to your religious beliefs. Start with the 20 year old Jon and describe the journey to the Jonathan of today. It will probably take more than one post, but I would love to read that.

  2. Jennie

    I am so blown away by your joy and faithfulness. Remember in Costa Rica when it seemed your journey to Christ was just beginning? Now look at you – arguing the existence of God in the face of evil! I am so happy for you and Rhea and wish we could see you more often! Guess you’ll just have to move down to San Diego! 🙂

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